Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday Night Part 1

This is a two part series because, well, it happened in two parts. This is the first part. Where I went to dinner with my grandma. We went to Applebee's, which I always confuse with Chiles....
Anyway, these are my observations.
We were seated in a booth with the table up to our ears (we are both fairly short). The first thing I noticed was the couple across the walkway and up one table from us. They each had a Coke and a magazine. They weren't saying one word to each other, just reading their respective magazines and sipping Cokes. I can't quite comprehend that. Why even go out in the first place? Why pay upwards of 4 dollars for a Coke when you can just buy a two-liter for 1 dollar and not have to leave a tip for your cashier?
After a few minutes of observing this couple, my ears (and then eyes) were drawn to the party directly across from us. It was an older couple with another older man across from them. The man that was there with his wife reminded me of my grandpa. He had a tone that you just couldn't ignore and he seemed to have strong opinions. The two men were arguing about China and it's different "races". Does China have more than one Chinese race? Because they weren't discussing whether it did or did not. No. They were discussing how many there were. Was it 5? or 6? I just can't seem to remember now.
By this point, we had ordered and our food had been brought to us. We talked and ate and talked. The waitress came by and asked us how the food was. I had just bitten into a carrot, but I opened my mouth to answer. And I drooled. I drooled right onto my jacket. And there was a small piece of broccoli in my drool. Could that BE more flattering? After I recovered from one of my most embarrassing moments ever, two women were escorted to the booth directly in front of us. They were fresh from England. What a pair those two were! Me thinks they were tipsy...and then they ordered martinis.
After dinner, we drove back to my grandma's house and said our goodbyes. I was so tired and wanted a nap, but thats getting into part two...


TJ said...

people watching is so fun!!!

Carrie said...

Sounds interesting, people are interesting in their own ways