Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Visitors #1 and #2

I had my first visitor. I think I may have been too excited. I opened the door before she finished knocking. Sorrynotsorry.

The first weekend of October brought one of my bffs Lora and cousins! I bounced between the two for the weekend and I think I did everything there is to do in New York City. My feet were tired.

We respected the art at the Met:
 Got a gorgeous view of my city at the Top of the Rock. I am still disappointed that Jimmy didn't come to see me- he is so inconsiderate of my time.
 I thought it would be a simple task to get a picture together. I could not have been more wrong.
 Just know that it was super bright outside and we were both on the verge of going blind.
 After hanging with Lora and her crew for a couple days I switched over to my mom's side of the family. I got to hang out with Shannon and her family! They came for a birthday weekend to celebrate Mykelin! Happy Birthday! We met up in Times Square on what has been the rainiest day thus far.We took our activities indoors including M&M World and the Disney Store.
Shannon was lucky enough to snag ticket to A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder and it was so, so great. I really didn't know what I was getting into but I walked out a dedicated fan. I highly recommend it!
 Oh and then we got to meet the cast and I took a picture with this smokin' hot guy- Bryce Pinkham. He plays Monty in the play. Keep him on your radar. In the words of the Fates- it's gonna be big.
 Then I took them on what I have decided is one of my most favorite things about the city- the Staten Island Ferry. It is one of the most simple things but I just love, love, love it.
Oh look! The pirates came for a visit! Those rascals, messing up my Lady Liberty picture.
 Somehow I got a picture of the ladies but not the gentlemen (sorry guys).

It was definitely one of the best weekends- family and friends in my city! Stay tuned for another visitor. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


One of my all-time favorite people lives in (or maybe just moved from) Ohio so we decided to get together before she left!
We planned out the details and I bought my train ticket and the next morning I was on my way. The train ride was so beautiful. Pennsylvania countryside is breathtaking. Amish farms and buggies and people everywhere. I loved it. I think I could be Amish.
Due to unforeseen circumstances my friend ended up not being able to come which left me in Pennsylvania for the day. We chose what I thought was a hoppin' little town (Harrisburg) to meet. It was a lie. Harrisburg is so NOT hoppin'. Maybe with a couple people it is fun, but one person wandering without a car is maybe not my best idea.
I got off the train and wandered down to the visitor's center. I passed it three times before I finally found it. It was on the second floor of a law firm (where else would you put a visitor center?). I entered the building which appeared to have been abandoned. I thought nothing of it and took the elevator up to the second floor. I got off the elevator and all the lights were off. In the middle of a weekday. Yup. Abandoned.
I found a light switch, flipped it, and then wandered around the floor until I found the door to the visitor's center. I grabbed the door handle and pulled and it was locked, so that was a major bust.
I wandered back outside and Googled things to do in Harrisburg. It said there was a little island in the river that was easy to walk to and had fun things like mini golf, boat rides, horse-drawn carriages, baseball, everything!

I walked across the bridge and it was just another ghost town. No people, no golf, no horses, nothing. I wandered around there for a bit and walked down to the river bank. But then I was hungry so I Googled yummy places to eat and I found like a million! I was so excited!
And then I took myself on a walking tour of every closed restaurant in Harrisburg. Seriously, guys. I went to 7 or 8 places and every single one was closed. And then I was hangry. But somewhere in my depressing tour I found a vintage jewelry store and bought the cutest earrings in the world.
So I walked into the first place I could find that sold food and bought a sandwich. The nice gentleman asked if I wanted a half or a whole. After I distinctly told him half he gave me a sandwich the length of my arm. Come to find out a "whole" sandwich is the length of an extra long baguette.
I took my sandwich and walked to the state capitol building. I sat on the stairs and ate my sandwich and drank in the lovely weather.
Then I wandered over to the Strawberry Square which is supposed to be some kind of mall.  But it was Dress Barn and fast food. And they closed at 6 whatever that is about.
So right as I was being kicked out of the "mall" I decided to just head back to the train station. The train ride back was great because I stole a seat in the quiet car.
Overall it was a day with great weather, beautiful scenery, and the weirdest experience of my life.
There were churches on almost every corner. I walked past 20 or so churches.