Friday, October 7, 2011


It is currently the month of October.  To me that means pretty colors, fantastic weather, birthday celebrations, and fall break.  To others it means: scary movies.  Somehow I have been sucked into the "others" ideas.  A good half of any given scary movie is spent with my head under the blanket with only one eye barely peeking out enough to get the gist of what is going on. These are my predictions for the month of October:
1. My blood pressure will increase
2. My sleep quality (and amount) will decrease
3. My "scare factor" will considerably increase
       Sidenote: I have already seen this one take place.  Today I was walking on campus when a friend snuck up behind me and yelled BOO! I almost punched him.  I'd keep a safe distance from me if I were you.
4. My nervous habits will become more pronounced
5. My ability to be alone in my house will vanish
6. Walking to my car in the dark will become an almost unconquerable feat
7. Zombies/ghosts/crazy people/anything remotely scary will take over the world
8. I will spend an abnormal amount of time thinking about how to escape any given room start of the month of happiness/misery (depending on which side you are on), we have watched:
The Grudge. Scariest movie I have seen to date.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Don't chainsaws make such a sweet noise?
NOT scary.  But interesting.
The good news in all of this? November is musical month.  Sound of Music and 7 Brides for 7 Brothers here I come!!

1 comment:

Stacylyn said...

Oh. Can I come? I love Halloween movies!!!