Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Problem

One time I went to Ghana and I took my own little travel pillow.  When I got home, it was so beat up that I threw it away [read: my mom made me throw it away].  So there I was pillowless and heartbroken. Then my dear, sweet sister Rye said I could use a pillow she had made in her sewing class.  It was a lot smaller than my other one, but I made it work.  Fast forward several months and my mom comes home one day with a new pillow.  It is bigger than my first one, but it is officially mine and I love it.  So to summarize: I went from medium/perfect pillow to way too small to too big.  Shall we take a look??
Old (blue) on top, new (green) on bottom

This made adjusting to my new-found elevation almost impossible.  I'm still working on it, but I'm almost there. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

TJ said...

I'm pretty sure it fell apart in the washer. Also, you sound somewhat like Goldilocks...only with 3 pillows. LOL.